US President dinner in just $6 goes viral in social (Read More)

12:37:00 AM

Kathmandu, Jestha 12 - Many doubt the truth of the picture. Nagaruna doubt why? The world's superpower nation, US President minor hotalabhitra are eating cheap plastic chair to sit.

But, this photo is not a trick. Obama looks like the person who Barack Obama is. Share with him the person table is the famous Anthony Borden are safe.

Obama Hanoi Vietnam reached the common people which entered the hotel to eat it?

This question is also interesting, and the most incredible aspect is that none of Obama hotalabhitra not seem to care. All are eating their lead.

It seems that none of them look picture cinenana Obama. Borden then itself are a celebrity. He existed before the television program presenter was safe. They also host a program now.

Of course, Obama had reached there with great security, in June in the picture shown. The journalists were also followed. However, it is within view, are nothing if Obama.

In fact it has been for a television program called Antony bordenah unknown ancillaries really shooting. Obama went to Vietnam for the first time to visit at any time for such work out affair.

Obama, a great multitude followed him out of the patrakaraharusahita also realize they blocked all outside. His security forces had also sat outside for a chinaka.

US President Obama came out of the crowd again chopihalyo them. Obama said the food prices have only 6 dollars bordenale Twitter information. BBC

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