43 Taliban killed in security action

8:25:00 AM

On Friday, the Taliban killed 43 Taliban were killed in security action said. The Taliban combatants in hiding the airport on Friday and Saturday targeting mourners killed in action are the Taliban.
Afghanistan's interior ministry statement published by the information given. In the course of several others seriously injured has also been mentioned in the statement.

17 provinces across the country in this action is. The action fairy further 15 people were injured, some are even arrested.
Meanwhile, only the eastern Afghan province of Badakhshan on Thursday by US air strikes sanyuktabalale Islamic States (IS) has been informed of the two terrorist killed.
The province sanyuktabalale acina IS fighters killed in the terrorist attacks two Afghan Air akhadalai targeting mourners bisesabaladdhara statement is published.

The last time such a joint security forces in different terrain Karzai has continued action. Continue action fairy dinahumjaso Taliban have killed.

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