Chitwan National Park, 255 persons involved in the crime action.

8:26:00 AM

Chitwan National Park in the last six years, 255 people involved in wildlife crime has action. Of these, the most rare rhino horn smugglers Seri bring action against those involved in the park, according to an important achievement.

Twenty-six rhino horn attached to the person selling the business in Chitwan National Park and 31-year-old Prince SUBJECTS brought legal action given the information. He is by far the largest culprit, according to the views of the park.

And if crime is off and continue to be victims of theft minus 700 days for the park is important, they said.

People he sold 20 killing rhinos, rhino horn sold two other people killed and injured after trying to kill five rhino have already accepted. He was arrested by Interpol in Malaysia was brought viaShare.

Now minus two consecutive years to be successful theft can lead to significant achievements in the Park is claimed.

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