Nepali Boy Best Performance In NASA (Watch Video)

6:08:00 AM

Asia, drought and snow in Antarctica earth paglamda disorders
California (US): US California Institute of Technology Laboratory of NASA, Dr. Lamjung rinses. Surendra officials from around the world where the snow melted away were trying to answer that question, fine.

Antarctica, a place grinalyandajasta buildup of snow that disappears in the sea mixes know how he read thousands adhyayanaanusandhanaka conclusion. Snow science of looking for changes in the direction of the earth to make the official World of surprise discovered a new fact.

His study of the earth eyeing the east of the North Pole is the pole which is unnatural rapidly. One hundred and 15 years, analyzes the data available out of the conclusion that the world's attention spluttering and Nepali scientific officer suddenly became a celebrity.

The twentieth century, ten centimeters per year to double the speed of Canada's direction to another direction now moving ahead pole he found. If the dawn of the 21st century, 20 cm per pole per year, which came to earth began to move landanatira dramatic changes, "the official said annapurnasamga.

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