Rajendra Mahato : I'll make Nepal in first position (watch video)

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Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato are busy at this moment of agitation kathamadaaim. The new constitution, citing disagreement movement for a long time did not meet his demands are showing their dissatisfaction. "A number of Nepali all 'plan to make and pursue economic prosperity and explain himself in the same light Timilsena Mahato and talk with citizens Luintel Guna:

Movement has come to Kathmandu, where to go, where it goes now?
Kathmandu We are a long time agitation movement. Prof. each public protest was a historic movement anywhere in the world where not. Everyone has the right to deliver molten naslavadi thought and have come for.

How was movement in Kathmandu?

This symbolic and sanketikarupama the movement. The government should be aware of and sensitive to this movement. Kathmandu indigenous movement and not a three-day presence could also be that the State party. Here it is not a mass party, but local people Khurshid cooperation and support to take the height of the movement. Kathmandu than expected even though the presence of a three-day movement, we are not reiterated. The meeting in Kathmandu galligallima Now we look at the future strategy.

Then the movement is successful in Kathmandu?

It depends on the intention of the government. Then movement of the agitators to meet the demand of the Kingdom work. Olijile do? It depends on many things.

They will be not realistic to demand, that there is no clear what?

It is said that all of my lips. Demarcation of the past as far as the Constituent Assembly Committee on State Restructuring and State power-sharing and the demarcation of the State Restructuring Commission's report, based on tungaunuparyota, the second interim constitution as the basis of the Parliament and the State Assembly constituency population was determined, it is a mistake to try, saccaunu ruled out. Third, inclusive and proportional representation in all organs of the State concerned, are said to represent. Fourth, we need linguistic rights. We have been demanding a Hindi language contact, but the government is listening to sundain.

Not so in the United States on the basis of the population of the constituency is not in neighboring India and China, not anywhere, how is it possible to practice here?

The US federal lands be made to a different state, there is a state of many taken. The different models of federalism. In India, Lakshadweep 47 thousand and telugannako malkanagirima 2 9 million voters represented one is, where is it? In any case, as 1 hundred and 16 seats in 20 districts of Terai has been allocated as, so free to make today.

When adequately rectified then it seems to be ksetrabihina 14 district election?

And that was before? How now? The minimum should be made based on the basis of population constituencies.

And it is not amended sacyaisakieko?

But we have not khojeanusara.

Why dialogue is not necessarily what is called adanacahim? Still no movement in Bombay, is it?

Dialogue is not anti. We have 36-36 times the talks were gone, but there was no other ciyam khanebaheka biscuits. This shows that the government is not serious negotiation whatsoever.

Kamal Thapa-led political mechanism objection to know why? Shiva sitting there not discuss?

Kamal Thapa is not our object. For the person who talks moved ahead, its value / assumption, naturally affect our things, but he is demanding, it is against. So we are aware.

Leadership means that if you go to another person?

So it shall be well. However, the scope and procedure before the conclusion of the negotiating free hunuparyosa. Movement hunuparyoda treatment.

House then prime minister is said to have already disbursed money for injured was?

And that is the House? Paunuparyoga the first victim. Another thing, our 11-point demands that the government gave a formal opinion.

That drew the mechanism is said to be, first, we need a mechanism which is Shiva?

This is not child's play, the right to take and give something. The state is not a person, it is system. 11 civil society to meet the demands of the government that it is, that it is not normal that the public does not like, and how it talks?

How can we make the mechanism so now?

There is not a mechanism, it is a plot garnematrai and fell upon the prevailing problem remains. Kamal Thapa and another person changes dinuparyoma, reliable base banaunuparyo. Our friends in prison, locked basdainaum talks.

Kathmandu valley-mountain-mountain that the movement to ensure the movement of the mountain, but that does not stand misaunai refuse? And it is not contradiction?

We Madhesi-hill-mountain is mixed but misaidiena KP Oli. Ever culpable together, now separated by the Madhesi oliji themselves, surrendered its release has been sought.

Why are so many of you oliprati aggressive?

Olijile Terai and tried to arrange a mountain terrain, this is wrong. Terai and so the nature of the mountain geography is missed, look olijicahim adjust. Unnatural is at work. We seek to prepare the hill and the Madhesi, land farther.

So how to protect themselves can pahadiyale Terai province?

As for the central government, we're fighting for proportional inclusive representation, the same also applies to the base provincial power. Proportional representation is all inclusive. There was 35 per cent at all levels on the basis of proportional inclusive representation of Madhesis and security is ensured.

Do you have kept the 11-point demand entry of the army, there is something, it is not the practice that nowhere was there so ...

Not even the presence of 1 percent of the fourth day. Collective entry means there have been misrepresented.

Then the right to partake of it?

More than one in a single block to keep a Madhesi Madhesi ashes are said. Sign out and a large number of applications more than once are oriented words, it is only suitable filtering, are ineligible nachana said. Army norms, qualification, selection and Khalistan also take it all the way we are told.

The application solves the time not come to say what the Madhesi communities applicants coming?

That's wrong. Top brass are encouraged to come to the army garnuparyoai, collectively called the garnuparyoa. Bhyakensi stipulated khulaunuparyoa, chuttaunuparyo quota.

The resignation of a Prime Minister is taking lokatantrikaranako Army ve dinuparyoma, now is raised again rectified, the fact that the modernization of the army should be lokatantrikarana?

Our demand is to make the army inclusive. Lokatantrikarana the Maoists have used the terminology is, we have not.

They will be demanded of it?

The Constitution and the state after the army would automatically lokatantrikarana lokatantrikarana it offers. In fact, the modernization of the army, but samavesisahitako.

Alliance Nepal is defined as a multinational state, noting that seem to demand more from putting forward, how to do?

It is nonsense to doubt. During this movement has a purely emotional thing.

But this is what made it ripple ...

Do not give people rights and waving through the city.

Nakabandipachi one state to another would not be that go tomorrow? That the arena of doubt, the sanctions also helpful in asking the federal failure was that?

Now is not the state. Even though we have garidiyaum state sanctions, if not the state is more long blockade. This binatarkako allegations.

Terai region made up from the bottom, then had a few parties should, therefore, give a caution is also

Heard what?

His own country, his own deep distrust towards the state in this case. We did not create the situation, the state has become.

9 months to continue the movement, but the situation is not too successful, now Terai and Madhesi People's mindset is about?

Our movement has little effect upon people's daily lives, more pressure upon the State party so that we are in Kathmandu. Off, strike, protesting, who claimed to suspend all sanctions, rights and our desire phakaraum Kathmandu. If that happens away empty-handed, can not imagine.

Would it then?

The first thing to go to their own place, and movement of the same should not worry as we were leaving from. Here we are empty-handed, so the rain pharkanuparyom said Terai movement is that it may not be in our control. Second, the national movement in our generation, not separatist movement in the Singha Durbar, Baluwatar pressed firmly. Kathmandu the next generation would be a failure if the right to ask for and whether or not to fight? It is more fear. Therefore, this movement

Be successful.

Prime Minister Oli is your intimate relationship, can be done easily and talk them free then?

I do not know, personal relationship with some gardorahenacha. Our movement biharasamga dajidinuhuncha UP, mamkhe insult to that chain. And also after correcting. He is the relationship bigarnuhuncha itself.

Again to blockade?

Now that does not seem likely. Even if things do not necessarily dhakelidiyo Kathmandu. If we haryauma loser Kingdom of Nepal.

It is?

Our movement is for the national unity and integrity and the right of all castes and communities have to so that. This movement goes to another place means to cope. We do not have anything, in this country the right to seek, we are alert to belong to another state.

Upendra Yadav, coordinator of the federal coalition tokiepachi you came and acted mahanthajilai, why is unsatisfied?

Is working on the basis of consensus and should be. Such important decisions regarding serious side, that the question raised is to be the presence of presidents. The main thing is not to make this movement, no one leader. As the constitution was made on the basis of mathematics, do the math coordinator decided to set the shape of them.

They will be times when there was what he did so with haste, putting itself coordinator?

We ourselves?

And the meeting had not, go now?

Thakur had just returned from New Delhi, we draw conclusions as to discuss.

But the Movement, Upendra Yadav also occasionally outrage that the alliance took the stranded made sounds, this is it?

This is all we are saying that the movement of the Front coalition took the stranded were working. Madhesi tribal / ethnic groups in order to obtain the rights that the national leader of the movement to be taken and provide support to the movement for the organization to expand? That also have widely. I have to say that we have come here for their rights Madhesi. Make no leader and no organization to expand bharyagana Plantin.

This alliance lies very day, there are also free that is divided?

We sit down and talk about it.

That is to rewrite the constitution, I tried to rewrite the achievement even losing you?

Do not know sujhnu Prime Minister bhanidinuhuncha to rewrite the constitution can not be, not.

Then rewrite what is it?

This constitution is a useless, now it is not the words trash and throw it away. We rewrite the constitution is the place where the mistake is, wherever there is a need to improve and modify, where there thapaum, let is be amended.

When the government and the main political parties and half years do not listen election, received heavy poll by the constitutional amendment is the difference?

This historical movement Constitution, is the product of the armed conflict and the Movement. Often change is movement, can never be dumped, this world is not anywhere. So tomorrow, Parliament changes the transformation agenda throwing star pick as you say sound of horses.

Pointed out that the election can be modified taparimharulai not believe?

Institutional change has been the election to the constituent assembly. The Constituent Assembly is the legacy of this Parliament because it is converted to parliament. So our belief is that by this need.

The Congress-led government was rectified in the movement, were killed at 48, then came Oli, he is also skeptical, converted parliament is possible?

They should do so. Yesterday's agreement, the Interim Constitution, should, without so inevitable.

Congress refused yesterday, today, Oli skeptical, change the government established by his ajenda almost a ...

But we are also ready to do what we movement for overthrowing the government does not have.

This is how you see the danger of losing the achievements of the royalist asamajhadarile?

I also think the fear in this respect. Because the main artist is always the achievement of gumiraheka, due to the three parties see this danger.

Which team is more guilty of these lacking?

These are equal. But now the government is guilty of more as UML and UCPN-M.

Now it looks like the Congress in favor of the recount. Thus the constitution when it was led government.

And prosperity will be traveling. For Everest, Lumbini, Janaki temple, mountain, hill and Terai Cultural Heritage Promotion and go.

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