Free entry for foreign visiters as well in Swyambu during Buddha Jyanti

8:27:00 AM

Swayambhu management and conservation mahasamitile on May 8 on the occasion of 2560 th Buddha tourists visiting the area has to be free to enter.

Normal day of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation sarkarastraka tourists from Rs 200 amid 50 and other countries in terms of tourists, including tourists Buddha Day is going to discount entry fee. Mahashamiti this decision, there would have been a benefit to tourists.

AICC Vice President Prem Lama, the Buddhist holy day of great celebration for Buddha Day and tourists in the area of ​​fees exemption Buddhist philosophy, the importance of the message they give them the information sought.

Mahasamitile tourist movement in the country by foreign tourists daily about the weather and the general state of over Rs one million rupees 50 thousand has been raising money around.

Last year, on May 12 due to the earthquake and ensuing parakampaka svayambhunathako the monastery was great damage. AICC general secretary and a decrease in tourist arrivals mahendraratna buddhacaryale said.

Government, Department of Archaeology, the AICC support, including the reconstruction of the area for renovation work before the last week of last April has increased. The debris and other heritage surrounding the new technology will be used to plan the maintenance of the mahasamitile said.

The World Heritage List in the area of ​​debris and other property, including the ancient importance are at risk.

Similarly, with regard to sanitation Buddha mahasamitile this year, blood donation, there were pilgrims come for the crowd management, bearing food and other programs will run. The Nepal Scout, security, svayamsevakalagayata necessary arrangements for the deployment of location. About two miles down the vision system and mahacaitya efficient vehicles has arranged for management.

Mahacaitya Swayambhu temple premises on the same day and loses parents in particular will worship the Buddha. Bajrayani Mahayana sect and the worship leader in the 15.

AICC treasurer punyasagara Buddha Lama this year to organize various programs to spend around Rs eight lakh has been allocated to them. Buddha Day Devotees from both domestic and foreign and more than a million have been estimated.

The mahacaityako about the origin of various kinds were found to hear the legend of ancient Kathmandu valley and Buddhist holy shrine as an important sampadamadhye has developed. Dharmavalambile Hindu philosophy and also the place to express faith in them. RSS

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