It seems objest bigger than size of earth came in contact with sun (Watch here)

9:58:00 AM

Kathmandu, 8th Jestha. Since May 5 from the same spot for a few days in the sun about to be told. Looking at the sun, views stain the earth a little look at the filesystem is too large.

These scars appear when the temperature changes in the sun's activity Astronomical Society President Suresh Bhattarai said Nepal.

Usually the sun is thousands of degrees C temperature was seen to be present, where around one hundred thousand to 15 ° C could be reduced, he said.

He approached the Earth closer to the sun to leave the matter spacecraft, ground-satellite can destroy.

The change in temperature of the sun's magnetic activity seen when the name of a R 2546 we were so tainted, we regularly visit, he said.

The spot is also visible on the eye, even not look at it, see if you can secure the spectacles desire to see if anyone said uhammle Gaushala Society Office, which can be viewed through a telescope arrangement also gave information. RSS

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