Rekha Thapa provide 1 lakh to Dhurmas and Suntali

8:42:00 AM

Girancaura integrated township for the construction of Rekha Thapa dhurmusa Suntali she has financial support. Dhurmusa Suntali Foundation came to office, he handed over 1 million Suntali cooperation are.

Representing all kalajagatako dhurmusa-Suntali (Sitaram Kattel-grove Ghimire) take the work of a small support Thapa said. Many urged him to support his work, because even making dhurmusa Suntali support for the construction of the girancaura he said.

He dhurmusa-Suntali peripheral work is being praised her, saying subhecksa also appear. Treasurer understanding of the assistance phaundesanaki pergolas Ghimire (Suntali) has the support of Rekha Thapa, the cooperation and support of the entire film sector as she has taken.

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