This man saved 18 people by swimming

8:24:00 AM

Dhankuta: Tamor river bagnebittikai anyone is inexcusable search. Police, security forces or armed base camp, the message of salvation that takes them to their first.

Tamor river swept past 5 years to regenerate the face of death persons who have become the charioteer dhanapa 13 mulaghataka 23-year-old Subash Chhetri.

He wrapped up the five-year period, 18 persons were rescued them Tamor river. He handed over 14 bodies out of the family and the nation.

If the fragrance of his father's house in Chitwan kurinatara mulaghata mother Dhankuta. Subash childhood spent kurinataramai mother assume a source of inspiration. Kurinatarama while his brother were swept away while swimming in the river trident. Paudimdai mother saved his brother. Seeing mother were rescued by brother to save people determined to swim to know what he said.

9 years ago moved to Surrey kurinatarabata babuamasamgai he arrived mulaghata clan village. Tamor river, he learned to swim. Tamor river while he was sleeping in the village has a lot of people kind of spill incidents were started. Initially BS 2065, he removed a body. He says people have been swept away and disposed of. He says, "People feel happy and adventured. I have found that many new life. "

They can not forget for a moment really. He says, "Once Dharan Hong Kong aidivalaka relative Tamor, who had disappeared. In order to save his body for nearly three hours mulaghata Bridge paudimdai gopalapurasamma old. The body was then found, but nearly disappeared himself. ' He adds that he had to swim in place, many spirals. Venture there to remember now recall, he said.

The way to rescue missing She said, 'adrift on where to swim. Paudiyo a hand of a man's hair or the back of the other hand, amidst the competition. And out, paudimdai. '

He had saved something about the person they are trapped. Some influence. Some even show the girl have flowed. Subash father are five years past. His mother mulaghatamai hotel are sarcastically. Read Brother mulaghatakai school is near.

Rescue relative charging them Rs 10 ÷ 15 had licensing. Man rescued marking their main source of income is the wood to be collected. He reached for collecting wood go 2 miles.

The wages of labor brought a pile of wood to reach the elderly rest Rs 11 has been giving. That is the source of their income. To reach as many as a warning to flood during the daily 5 gather wood. "People look for firewood terrible ', he says," He put a little by giving them wages. "

Many people rescued by the Rotary Club on 11 September 2065, saying he had Bahadur Award. Risking his life to charity willing to use these Eventually PKO rescue a non-governmental organization 'life jacket' was given.

Tyobaheka him not some other means. Alone sustain the efforts made so great work on behalf of the state so far that the rescue equipment to be used, the lack of general hausalasameta fragrance are upset.

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