These brave Nepalese invaded Afghanistan 30 Taliban terrorists alone

8:33:00 AM

In Nepal today, anyone who can not dare to attack him because of his Gorkhali comprises Nepal. They only serve the Nepal Army and the Indian Army for the dead that the British even be ready to die. But today, in 1816 the Anglo-Nepalese war this tradition has existed since the last. Remote situation and also those of his extraordinary bravery curve in the road, the ability and can exhibit a lead. His faith in the same tradition deployed in Afghanistan alone Pun dipaprasada a Gorkhali a post-Taliban combatants deathbed sutaidie 30.

Afghanistan province helmada saktembara 2010 a night. Constable of the Royal Gurkha Rifles were deployed in dipaprasada domanajili station. He came there a voice heard. He saw two vridrohile nearby street were trying to put some explosives. He estimates that he was surrounded made easily.

But, did not give up. That night, there was a remarkable shot and grenades pakdiuko voice gunjisakeko round. Pun station completely destroyed with the plan that Taliban combatants were bunisakeka this plan. The attack was jasasvarupa. But, again afraid of how even. With courage and zeal, he raised his machine guns and opened fire began dhuvadhara opponent punale mother refused to phernesameta. He attacked and when the grenade out of the first 17 grinedale the SA 80 service rifle opened fire on a quick start up of people who did.

So that the enemy quarters lyadamaina phyaknasameta Re now says, "a Taliban fighter was trying to climb the guard tower hausadekhi sateko together. And I was in some doubt, he giraunu ground. I stay there, I achieved success, however, betray my weapon. Shoot the scorer. I lifted up machine guns traipyada Taliban struck in the mouth. Because of the ground collapsed, he bildinako. '

Capture-25 Pun and its aftermath until ladakusamga continued until additional forces for their support and took arrive. Until additional forces arrived there alone until the Pun had already killed 30 Taliban combatants we 'Queen Elizabeth, for a ceremony organized by the scene and the bravery' kansapikyuasa gyalentri Cross' awarded her.

Hot ceremony from the individual, "he said at that time I did not disappointed me more than any other idea why that was ladnubaheka. Check Point, I was a pall of Taliban everywhere and I was alone.

Just as they were surrounded by me on behalf of four, I was comprehension that I am sure to die. And I think more people to murder, I also will kill. "At that time it was seen that Pun 250 machine guns and 80 rounds fired have had 180 SA. 6 phosphorous grenade, a grenade and a Claymore Mine 6 general, he also had to shreds.

Pun, from the Gurkha regiment in the family already has a history of giving their service. His father also had his service Gorkha Rifles. Burma during the Second World War, his bravery, his brother, for theaters 'bhiktoriya Cross' move was honored today kathamandu

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