Bhaktapur, 12 thousand 705 new voters added

1:05:00 AM

he second Constituent Assembly elections, 12 thousand 705 voters bhaktapurah Bhaktapur have been added.

District 2070 Assembly election a million 4 9 thousand 558 voters recently rose to 12 thousand 705 voters total one lakh 62 thousand 263 voters in the District Electoral Officer Umesh Rai.

Number of registered voters increased by six thousand women and men is 3 9 7 thousand 308 are.

Before that since 2067 the District Administration Office, and the District Election Office will be collected daily voter empowerment.

Bhaktapur women is higher than the number of voters is. Here the number of 82 thousand 365 female voters and the number of male voters 7 8 9 8 of 9 thousand Rai said. RSS

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