Hassett sugar industry marked lock opened.

8:26:00 AM

Hassett sugar industry Nawalparashi marked lock opened, sugar cane industry, farmers pay money in exchange for not Nawalparasi fifth, Indira Sugar Milling kick sealed lock is opened.

Farmers, farmers and industry representatives of the NEA on Friday reached an agreement on tripartite talks marked the industry opened the lock. The publication of information in order to immediately pay the amount, respectively, adequate access to farmers in the sugar cane farmers agreed tinabamude Committee Vice Chairman Umesh Yadav.

Sugar cane mill paid Indira stating that the hour long gangapura owned content and sugarcane farmers and sugar cane farmers Tripureshor-conductor industry leadership committee a week earlier were padlocked.

Mills to pay the remaining amount of Rs five million 4 9 million May 26 Asoj payment to start and June 5 promulgation of payment to complete, the Nepal Government per quintal at Rs 500 to receive a grant to Mills District Agriculture Development Office, cane farmers deliver details Office sugarcane farmers and farmer to explain belatarima committee for the construction of a rupee per quintal mills cut amount per 15 days, the Committee agreed to submit the committee chairman, said Yadav.

In addition, the sugar industry and last year navalaparasimanai Lumbini Rs 60 million and Rs 70 million and 5 million to 30 million this year to about 6 million and payment of the previous year, though this year the Bagmati khadasarile around Rs 6 crore dues to sugarcane farmers to take the rest of the extractor according to the Committee.

About 14 thousand families in the district who cultivate cane sugar cane growers Statistics Committee has been farmer.

Seven and a half thousand hectares of the total land cultivated in sugar cane. District annual 20 to 25 million quintals of sugarcane has been produced. The district has four sugar mill industry and more than 50 small crusher (semifinal) are industry. RSS

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